ITC Advisory board
ITC Advisory board
The ITC Advisory Board on Institutions and Ecosystems is an independent body established by the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC). They provide strategic guidance, advice and support to ITC in improving the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of the Institutional strengthening programme and all related activities.
ITC Advisory board is a representative group of business support organizations, helping ITC to incorporate BSO perspectives in programs and solutions
Advisory Board members receive early updates on ITC strategy, operations and events, enabling them to act as ITC partners and advocates
Ensuring ITC's work impact is broad and meaningful to a wide audience.
The Board is a voluntary association of Chief Executive Officers of Trade and Investment Promotion Organisations as well as other Business Support Organizations.
Chief Executive Officer
Agence de Développement et d’Encadrement des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (ADPME)
Executive Director
Qatar Export Development and Promotion Agency, Qatar Development Bank
Frequently asked questions
How are members appointed?
Board Members are appointed by the Executive Director of ITC on the basis of their individual experience and contribution to the work of ITC and with due consideration to diversity. Members are appointed for two-year terms. Notwithstanding, if a member’s status as a CEO of a business support organization changes, their term will end at the date of change in status. Board members are appointed as experienced individuals, contributing diverse perspectives. Membership does not automatically revert to their replacement. At the end of the two-year term, to ensure continuity and knowledge transfer, eligible members may be reappointed at the Executive Director’s discretion.
What is the role of the Board?
As an independent advisory body established by the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), the ITC Advisory Board for Institutions and Ecosystems is a voluntary association of influential, representative and engaged Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from business support organizations. They provide strategic guidance and advice to ITC in matters pertaining to the organizations and ecosystems that support business. The objective of the Board is to support ITC in improving the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of programmes that improve the performance, credibility and connectedness of these organizations.
When does the Board meet?
The Board meets regularly, either physically at a location determined by ITC or remotely. Each Board member is expected to attend these meetings in person and may not delegate a replacement, except in exceptional circumstances and with prior approval by the Chair. Additional meetings may be scheduled for the full advisory board or smaller groups using video or telephone conferencing when rapid decisions are needed or when circumstances justify it. Physical meeting dates are scheduled with at least three months advance notice.
Do Board member benefit in status or compensation?
Participation in the Board is voluntary and ad honorem, and no remuneration or compensation is provided by ITC. Board members are expected to cover all costs related to their participation.
Who operates the Board?
The Executive Director of ITC chairs the Board. The Chair proposes a vice-chair for approval by the members. This vice-chair is appointed for a minimum of one year. The ITC Chief of Institutions and Ecosystems acts as Secretary to the Board.
Can the terms of reference be amended?
The members may propose amendments to its terms of reference for consideration by the Board.