Small and Medium Enterprises
Small and Medium Enterprises
Measure, improve and compete.
Improve your competitiveness
Our expertise covers all aspects of business performance, trough our network of partner BSOs or through our technical assistance programmes.
Connect with Business Support Organizations
When SMEs partner with BSOs they gain access to expert advice, experienced mentorship, and a wide range of business-support services to help them compete and excel.
SME Trade Academy courses
ITC’s SME Trade Academy is a library of online courses that are available free of charge. The platform hosts over 50 courses available in a variety of languages that cover a broad variety of topics ranging from export development, online marketing, and specific market-sector tutorials, such as:
How to access international markets
An introduction to techniques and best practices for generating international business; in both face-to-face and virtual/remote environments.
Introduction to cross-border contracts
Understand the key attributes of cross-border contracts and how they different from domestic contracts.
E-commerce for your B2B business
Learn about the opportunities and challenges of becoming involved in B2B e-commerce.
All the SME Trade Academy courses Schedule and free registration
ITC tools and services
ITC offers a range of online, free-to-use tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to international markets. These tools can help SMEs identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performance, and make informed business decisions.
Register to start your improvement journey
Start your performance-improvement journey with a self-assessment, and connect to BSOs for in-depth diagnostics and capacity-building services.
Discover our BSO Directory
Browse ITC’s Global BSO Directory, the world’s largest database of organizations supporting businesses. Find expert support in your area, or connect remotely to a global network of institutions.