

Our methodology for SMEs

ITC’s SME Diagnostic methodology consists of a modular approach, allowing for customization to capture the characteristics of different businesses and their unique needs while ensuring the consistency, reliability, and comparability of data and scores.


Technical performance diagnostic

The methodology is structured around four business competencies and 19 capabilities. The assessment looks at the maturity in the implementation of strategy, marketing, production and resource management processes. Each of the four competencies is broken down into capabilities, and each capability contains processes that are informed by distinct indicators. The diagnostic tool looks at the maturity of over 100 business processes and determines how each one of them contributes to the competitiveness of the business.


Developing quality control proceduresTime requirementsQuality requirementsCost requirementsCapabilitiesVolumesProduct or service attributesEstablishing quality standardsSetting up product service departmentsProcesses (60-150)Business processes maturity modelStrategyProductionMarketingResource managementSee themes See themes See themes See themes

Sustainability and inclusiveness diagnostic

In addition to assessing your organization's technical capabilities, the SME Diagnostic also includes a Sustainability performance diagnostic. This diagnostic is a stand-alone module that evaluates your business's social and environmental impact. The Sustainability performance diagnostic is optional on self-assessments, and scores are kept separate from the technical assessment.

Sustainability and Inclusiveness at ITC

Other drivers of performance

Throughout the SME Diagnostic, certain indicators are flagged for specific drivers of performance such as Digital Readiness, and Exports. Upon completion of the assessment, these flagged indicators are aggregated to provide a unique score on these topics.


How does scoring work?

Your scores are calculated using a proprietary system of weightings and aggregations to understand your organization's performance.

Scoring methodology

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